6 Ways to Make Money Online in 2011

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Luke_King-Hamill]Luke King-Hamill

When people hear the term 'easy money' the common thoughts that come to mind are 'SCAM!!' or 'THERE'S NO SUCH THING!! However, people are making what can only be described as 'easy money' online from simply sitting at their computer. How do they do it? I'll show you 6 of the many ways YOU can make easy money online without ever leaving your desk! These tips are for those that know a lot about computers and the internet, those that know a little and those that just know the very basics.


Companies all over the world need to find out what people think about their products and what they would be most likely to buy in the future. They also want to know what it will take to get people to buy a certain product. You might say to yourself "why would my opinion be so valuable?". Well IT IS!! It's as important to a company as any other opinion in the world. And they are WILLING TO PAY YOU FOR IT. They hire survey companies to help them find out this information. Paying for you to take surveys is the quickest and easiest way for a company to get the information and feedback they need. Simply search for survey websites that actually pay. As soon as you join and sign up with them you will begin to receive surveys and most importantly start earning money.


You must search for a website that someone has built which gets a decent amount of traffic. Keyword research(you can use Google Keywords) will reveal subject areas and keywords which are popular online, and it is these kinds of websites that attract traffic that you should look for. Unfortunately one can't simply pick a good domain name and post a few articles and affiliate links on a website and expect it to make a lot of money. Time and effort is required. Lack of effort and time is why websites with potential fail every day. If you make a reasonable offer to such an owner for their website they will likely be more than happy to sell it to you. That affords you the opportunity to develop it and build on its success. Eventually you can sell it for a tidy profit!


If you have any video making apparatus then you can make easy money by using YouTube properly! Firstly, if you have items you are trying to sell use YouTube to advertise them. It may seem simple but you'd be surprised the small number of people who actually use this priceless tool. Advertise you product in YouTube videos and THEN sell it on eBay or Craigslist or wherever. By stimulating interest in whatever you're selling on YouTube you will have a market built up that will start to bid immediately when you let them know it's for sale. In a sense you are making your product more famous! Secondly, tell local businesses that you are putting lots of videos on YouTube. Ask them if they would like to have their name/product mentioned in your videos. This would increase the market viewing their product? They can pay you! Or give you free merchandise! What are the chances they'll turn down the advertising!? You cannot actually canvass for business directly on YouTube but you can draw people to your website from it. Use Google AdSense (you sign up and Google pays you to put ads on your videos!). TIP!! The ads will be at the end of your video so keep your videos short so as to maximize the number of viewers making it to the end of your video and actually clicking on the advertisement!


You might have heard of tricks to get search engines to index you faster or rank you higher. DON'T USE THEM as they will get you kicked off. The best thing to do is to establish a worthwhile and informative website that will slowly rise in the rankings. You can do this by getting familiar with white hat search engine optimization(it's a mouthful I know but not as complicated as it sounds!). Search engine optimization is all about designing your websites so that they appeal to the search engines, and so they can find them easily. Most of the techniques are actually very easy to implement. It's important to get the right keywords on your pages. Google Keyword is useful for finding words that are searched often and have low competition. It is important to be aware of the kind of search terms people are likely to type in when they want to find a website like yours? Make sure you build them into your site, and use longer key phrases as well. For example, instead of putting 'weight loss' as keywords for a weight loss themed website, use a phrase like 'weight loss techniques' instead. A good idea is to use different combinations of keywords for every page of your site. This will attract more visitors. Just make sure every page has a clear link back to the site's home page. In the end, the more traffic you attract from search engines, the more sales you will make. If your website provides people with what they look for, and you have put Google Adsense and similar advertising modules on your site, then you can expect to start to make money from your venture.


Blogging is a brilliant way to start your own online business and it's becoming very popular. It requires minimal start-up costs and you can build a large and loyal readership over time. There are several ways to set up a blog online. You could use WordPress or Blogger or any free site that will host your blog for you; or you can set up your own blog under your own domain name. Whatever you choose to blog about it needs to be something you are passionate about. You'll be writing about this topic several times a week, and if you don't have the enthusiasm for it, that will show in your written work. How can you get your blogs to be read by interested readers? One way to do this is to submit it to as many of the social bookmarking sites as you can. Join social networking sites and build a profile which contains a link to your blog is another effective way. Other free ways to generate traffic include writing free articles for article directories with a link to your blog at the end. Generating traffic is easy! Monetizing the blog itself is the key to earning a profit from your writing. You'll want to generate some money from all the visitors you'll start getting. Google AdSense is probably the best known method of generating such money and you can join the program, displaying free contextual ads that your visitors will be interested in to maximize your click through rate. Eventually you'll be able to offer ad space on your blog too, and charge a fee for ads. There is one final step you can take with your blog in order to earn money...sell it!


The best way of making 'easy money' online is to appeal to a niche market interested in a particular topic. If you try to appeal to everyone then very few people will actually buy whatever you happen to be selling. Topical content sites are a great way of making 'easy money' on the internet. Pick your topic, build the site around it and wait for the money to roll! So long as you focus on a profitable topic you're bound to be successful.

Whether you choose to follow one or all of the ways to make 'easy money' online mentioned above or discover different ways, the key ingredient to success is to keep your expectations in line with the effort you are willing to put in. There are people who earn lots and lots of money using these and many other techniques. However, there are also people who do not succeed in making much money whatsoever. With the effort required it is possible for anybody to tap into this market and make themselves a very significant income without leaving their desk.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?6-Ways-to-Make-Money-Online-in-2011&id=5660147] 6 Ways to Make Money Online in 2011

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Most People Never Make Money on the Internet - Make Only One of These Mistakes and You Won't Either

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Alfred_Sant]Alfred Sant

The thought of determining a method to create an income at home has become an alluring substitute to the standard office job with hours of nine to five. As the current financial catastrophe continues to touch more lives larger numbers of individuals are making attempts to find an online source for an income.

But, unfortunately, most individuals, new to internet opportunities, will find themselves in a position of never seeing a single dime from their efforts. There is a simple reason this happens; they are unaware of the pitfalls and end up making major mistakes in the beginning. I will explain a number of the pitfalls beginning entrepreneurs generally fall into and the methods to use to circumvent them.

A few facts first: People that are realistically creating large amounts of income at home number in the thousands, myself included. With that fact out of the way; the simple truth is very few beginners ever actually make an online income.

The number of characteristic mistakes, commonly made by newbie's, are numerous. The practice of these erroneous methods more often than not meets with an unsuccessful end. A number of these mistakes I made myself, along the way, which made my odyssey mentally agonizing and high-priced.

I'll briefly outline a few of these common mistakes with the hope that you will avoid them.

Falling for income at home programs or methods that are doomed to fail from the start is one of the most common mistakes made by newbie's. A number of tempting offers will come your way promoting an online income by completing online surveys or questionnaires; you should avoid these at all costs. This method is only profitable to the people publicizing them.

Other programs to avoid are the ones that give you permission to use their domain to create your own website for the purpose of generating clients or leads on their behalf. The vast majority of this type of program are considered Multi-Level Marketing or MLMs. Turn around and don't stop running if this type of offer comes your way.

Another scam that is high on the "must avoid" list are the "earn an income while shopping: These programs tout the fact that you can generate an income at home simply with the shopping you and your friends do. These typically require an upfront investment of around $500 dollars even though they state there are no sales associated with it. If you ever have a time to trust me, this is it. If anywhere on the website you come across the phrase "earn while you shop," shut down your window and, if you can get your cookies deleted.

If PPV, CPA or PPC appear, steer clear: Both PPV and PPC is an abbreviation for pay per view and pay-per-click. These two programs are methods to produce traffic where the individual pays for the view and the click. Until you get more experience, after about a year, you should not become involved with either program. Getting paid to create leads for the vendor is referred to as CPA. While it can be a profitable proposition, this system is not geared toward beginners.

Select a profitable system but fail to consistently follow it: Some individuals have the fortune of finding an excellent program by accident, but they don't put in the necessary effort or time so it successfully creates an income at home. It takes persistence, patience and hard work before the profits begin rolling, but believe me, its well worth the effort.

Paid television programming selling income at home systems: Grow up; less than one percent of paid programming regarding at home incomes is viable. Watch your television to learn something you can actually use.

Go into informational overload: Trying to take in too much information and going into overload is a common beginner's mistake. As you begin your journey to make an income from home you, no doubt, will see an avalanche of various offers to create an online income, will review their information and give some thought to giving that system a try also.

This is certainly a recipe for disaster. Focus on one method and one method only. Ignore the mass of e-mails you will get about the most current and popular system to create a substantial online income. Focusing on one method is your one and only path to a successful internet experience.

A lot of MONEY can be made on the internet; it's not hard once you know how things work. Obviously, you'll need a sound PROGRAM to follow. If you are serious about changing your life on the internet, go to my website: Recession Proof [http://www.recessionproofinternetincome.com]Internet Income.

Most Internet programs are garbage or scams, and unless you have the time and money to test them all out, you'll basically go round in circles, and 'LOSE MONEY'. Before you make a costly mistake, come and check my Site: [http://www.recessionproofinternetincome.com]Making Money on the Web.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Most-People-Never-Make-Money-on-the-Internet---Make-Only-One-of-These-Mistakes-and-You-Wont-Either&id=5898384] Most People Never Make Money on the Internet - Make Only One of These Mistakes and You Won't Either







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