How to Set Up a Blog Site With WordPress there Localhost

The best course of action to take sometimes translated isn't clear Until you've listed and regarded your alternatives. THE FOLLOWING Paragraphs "should help clue you in to What the Experts Think SI significantly.
How to Set Up a Blog Site With WordPress there Localhost
I do not like the "all-in-one package Which Offers XAMPP Apache, MySQL, PHP and Other Tools in The One application.

It Is Quite hard to customize or optimize component EACH Individually Gold Fix Any That May ARISE outcome.

Truthfully, The Only Difference Between You And How to Set Up a Blog Site With WordPress we localhost Experts Is Time. If you'll invest a little more time in reading, You'll Be That Much Nearer to expert status When It Comes to How to Set Up a Blog Site With WordPress was localhost.

It Is Difficult to aussi Discover the root cause year Individual Component May Have When They are all bundled in one package.

Therefor, I Came Up With this tutorial to show you how to install Apache, MySQL and PHP separately and customize EACH best of 'em to read your Needs.

I Can assure You That There Will Be No help available on the Internet Showing you how to install separately EACH of Them As Good As this tutorial! Other tutorials Always leave out a little piece of configuration Here and There Resulting in a failed installation.

I installed on my local component EACH PC and Documented EACH step in this article.

Will Work thesis steps on Windows operating system.

Another tutorial I'll write on Ubuntu Linux In The Near Future If There's interest from you my dear readers.

If You Have Any question about steps or thesis experience Difficulty When setting it up, feel free to ask. Will you find my contact details via The link to my website In The resource box at the End of this article.

1. MySQL setup:

Download the latest version of MySQL Community Server at
01/05/1942 Version Is The current version of MySQL at the Time of this writing.
Downloaded file My IS-mysql-win32.msi 01/05/1942

Run the MSI file and use settings THE FOLLOWING:

* Typical Setup Type

* Check "Configure the MySQL Server now" and "Register the MySQL Server now"

* Check "Detailed Configuration"

* Check "Developer Machine"

* Check "Multifunctional Database"

* Accept default setting for "InnoDB Tablespace Settings"

* Check "Decision Support (DSS) / OLAP"

* Check "Enable TCP / IP Networking" and "Enable Strict Mode". Leave the port number at 3306.

* Check "Standard Character Set"

* Check "Install As Windows Service" and "Launch the MySQL Server automatically".

* Check "Include Bin Directory in Windows PATH". Will this option let you run MySQL From the command line. It's very helpful.

* Enter a new root password and do NOT check "Enable root access from remote machines" and "Create An Account Anonymous" since contention Two options Will create security loophole.

* Click "Execute" and It Will install MySQL is your local machine.

Start MySQL and create a new database for your WordPress installation. You Should Provide Appropriate name for your year database. In this tutorial, I've Name the database "wordpress" & the admin user as "wpadmin. Change it to whatever you like.

Open your terminal (MS DOS or cygwin) and execute commands THE FOLLOWING:

$ Mysql-u root-p
Enter password: ********

mysql> create database wordpress;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)

mysql> grant all on WordPress .* to wpadmin @ localhost identified by 'changeme';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

mysql> flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> exit

2. Apache setup:

Apache 2.2 download at
Downloaded file My httpd-2.2.15 IS-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi
Run the MSI file and use settings THE FOLLOWING:

* Network Domain: localhost

* Server Name: localhost

* Administrator's Email Address:

* Make sure "for All Users" IS checked.

* Typical Setup Type

* Hit "Install" and It Will setup Apache on your local machine.

After the installation completes, go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services, look for the "Apache2.2" service and double-click it.
From Here You Can Stop the service and change startup type to The "Manual"

Configure Apache:

Open and Modify the httpd.conf at C: Program FilesApache Software FoundationApache2.2conf as below:
Uncomment line THE FOLLOWING:
Rewrite_module LoadModule modules /
LoadModule php5_module "C: / php/php5apache2_2.dll"
Search for Software
AllowOverride None
AllowOverride All

Add index.php to DirectoryIndex as below:
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

Find and add:
AddType application / x-httpd-php.php.phtml

Add this line to the end 'of httpd.conf
PHPIniDir "C: / php"

Restart Apache to Make the updated effective configuration.

3. PHP setup:

Download at PHP 5.2.13
Downloaded file My SI
Unzip The Downloaded bundle to C: php

Copy C: phplibmysql.dll to C: WindowsSystem32
Copy C: phpphp.ini-recommended and rename it as php.ini

Open and Modify the Newly Copied C: phpphp.ini
extension_dir = "ext"
extension = php_gd2.dll (This Is Used For CAPTCHA)
extension = php_mysql.dll
extension = php_mysqli.dll

date.timezone = "Australia / Melbourne"

4. WordPress setup:

Download the latest version of WordPress at
At The time of this writing, version 3.0.1 It Is
Download and unzip to C: Program FilesApache Software FoundationApache2.2htdocs

Go to C: / Program Files / Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/WordPress
Rename wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php

Update wp-config.php at C: / Program Files / Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/WordPress With The followings settings:
define ('DB_NAME', 'wordpress');
define ('DB_USER', 'wpadmin');
define ('DB_PASSWORD', 'changeme');
define ('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

THE FOLLOWING click link to generate secret keys and replace THE FOLLOWING With The gains generated keys from that link.

define ('AUTH_KEY', 'put your unique phrase here');
define ('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'put your unique phrase here');
define ('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'put your unique phrase here');
define ('NONCE_KEY', 'put your unique phrase here');

Make sure the Apache Server is still running. If not, start it up.
Open your favorite browser at:

localhost / wordpress / wp-admin / install.php

Follow the instructions Displayed On The Screen to Complete the installation of WordPress.

Viet Ma Is A Java developer. He has a strong interest in search engine optimization, web traffic and internet marketing. He'd like to share historical KM anyone interested in. With Improving Web site ranking and traffic.

You can not predict Knowing When Something extra about how to set up a blog site Wordpress was localhost With Will Come in Handy. If You Learned Anything new about & keyword% in this article, you should "file The section Where You CAN find it again.

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