The following article includes pertinent information that may cause you to reconsider what you thought you understood. The most important thing is to study with an open mind and be willing to revise your understanding if necessary.
Sometimes, it can be difficult to find effective SEO strategies for ecommerce sites. Because many ecommerce sites have very little unique content on their pages, it can be a challenge to find results with SEO. However, these SEO tips will show you that with a little cleverness and some fresh content, it can be quite simple to boost your ecommerce site's organic search engine rankings.
It seems like new information is discovered about something every day. And the topic of 10 Strategies For Effective SEO on Ecommerce Websites is no exception. Keep reading to get more fresh news about 10 Strategies For Effective SEO on Ecommerce Websites.
1.) Enable Product Reviews: User generated content is a great strategy to add unique content to your page, so allowing customers to write reviews is an easy way to boost rankings.
2.) Stay away from manufacturer's product descriptions: Re-write the description to make your content more unique.
3.) Keep product and category URL's simple: Don't fill your url's with useless tags, ids and other variables. Keep them simple, and consisting only, or mainly, of keywords.
4.) Put links in product descriptions: Insert keyword rich links to a product description within another product description. Good for long-tail keywords.
5.) Optimise your images: Make unique alt text attributes for your images, including product and brand names.
6.) Create an SEO Keyword Field in Product Database: Create an SEO keyword field for products that is displayed in title tags, meta tags, and body. Use common search terms as the keywords.
7.) Make all products less than 3 clicks from the homepage: Your home page will be your highest source of page rank, so keep your products as close to that as possible. Avoid burying products deep within subcategories.
8.) Use internal links: Use keyword rich anchor text to link to relevant pages within paragraphs.
9.) Use richer anchor text for links to product pages: Simply having 'view' or 'more' as your anchor texts to product pages doesn't provide valuable information to search engines.
10.) Build brand landing pages on your site: If your site sells branded products that customers might be searching for specifically, create an optimised landing page specifically for each brand.
Employing these SEO strategies on your company's ecommerce website will be a quick and easy way to boost your search engine rankings and overcome the difficulties of SEO for ecommerce.
For more information on our SEO Sydney company check out our premium search engine marketing business site portfolio.
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10 Strategies For Effective SEO on Ecommerce Websites
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