SEO Keywords in Article Marketing and SEO - Why Does not Work Keyword Targeting

When you think about SEO Keywords in Article Marketing and SEO - Why Keyword Targeting Does not Work, What do you think of first? Which Aspects of Article Marketing in SEO Keywords and SEO - Why Does not Work Keyword targeting are important, Which are essential, and Which ones can you take or leave? You be the judge.

Ok, that's a harsh title ... why do not work for profitable keywords online SEO campaigns.

And I will say this ... Sure, keywords are a starting point.

You Can See That there's practical value in learning more about SEO Keywords in Article Marketing and SEO - Why Does not Work Keyword Targeting. Can you think of ways to apply "what's been covered so far?

But there as many as 80% or more of searches are That "keyword-oriented" that searches are not buying.

By the time a searcher gets to buying a place ... Where They Are going to take action, They have
That fits progressed simple keywords show up in a keyword tool.

Here's the thing ... Usually doesn't article marketing really work well with keywords, INSTEAD it works really well if you are targeting what folks are looking for ... and must, contrary to common knowledge, folks do not use canned meaningful keywords for searches. INSTEAD They use phrases that matter to them self and are deep inside of Their thought process ... Usually posed as questions.

For example, When you search online for seo information, seo information You Might start with a keyword as ... but after looking at a number of results ... you end up typing in something like "how does article marketing work with seo keywords"

Now That phrase does not show up as a keyword in any of the keyword tools ... but THAT is what YOU are looking for.

Does that make sense?

So what I teach is how to use article marketing to drive traffic SEO ... but not through SEO keywords.

INSTEAD through SEO topics and thoughts.

That is the difference here with articles, if you are writing to a specific keyword them self ... In effect you are targeting
the 80% or so That People Are Using searches or just to find out what the keyword phrases or thoughts are Possible Where the information is stored That They really need.

But Where They really take action, whether it is to go to your site, opt in to a subscriber list, or make a purchase, thought or question happens with the phrase, NOT with the initial keywords.

Here's another example.

Let's imagine Someone looking for information about learning about ... let's say, martial arts.

Let's imagine They Are Trying to Decide Which martial arts is best for themself.

So They type:

martial arts - and dont's Find What They Are looking for


types of martial arts - They find lists or Different Kind of martial arts, They start searching EACH or thesis:

kung fu

Still the searcher hasn't Found What They Are Looking for ... Which is best for themself.

So now They type in the phrase:

benefits of karate

Benefits of Aikido
benefits of kung fu
benefits or kendo
benefits or judo

Now we are getting closer to What They are really looking for.

But not quite there yet.

Maybe the next type:

Aikido is right for me?
Kung Fu is right for me?

And so on.

Now we are really getting hot.

And this is Probably buying the keyword phrase.

And it might go even deeper, to something like "What is the best way to learn kung fu?"

NOW we have a buying keyword phrase.

Note how many keywords we have Chewed through to get to buying the keyword phrase.

And buying the keyword phrase is NOT going to show up in a keyword tool!

This is my complete, although condensed for length article, view or keywords and keyword research for article marketing.

You must go deeper Than keywords to have an effective article marketing campaign.

Also I believe you need to go deeper Than keywords for an effective SEO campaign. Yes, I really Meant to write that. Sure, you-can rank highly for keywords in the search engines ... but if people are only buying from buying the keyword phrases, what is the point of ranking highly for All Those basic keywords in your niche?

I know this is complete contrary to accepted wisdom keyword.

But I have Used this concept for Several Years in my business, and with my clients, and have found time and time again That this model works very well for creating Creating profitable article marketing and organic SEO traffic profits, and it works much better than focusing on INSTEAD of buying keywords and keyword phrases That questions buyers ask.
By the way, do you want to learn more about article marketing and my own Philosophies with article marketing, seo, and keywords?

If so, download my free system here:

article marketing system.

Now That Was not hard at all, was it? And you've earned a wealth of knowledge, just from Taking some time to study an expert's word on SEO Keywords in Article Marketing and SEO - Why Does not Work Keyword Targeting.

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